We just got an isse report from a customer using the Yubikey with Parallels VM 4.0.
The issue is that when the OTP string has been outputted, the input is just flooeded with ENTER keystrokes. The exact same key works fine on the same customer's Mac- and Windows machines.
My current hypothesis is that the 'key released' keystroke after the trailing ENTER keystroke gets lost for some reason and the key repeat kicks in as if the key was held down, thereby flooding the input buffer with ENTER keystrokes.
I have a slight suspicion that this is a timing issue related to this particular environment and that it might go away if we simply added one or two extra 'key release' keystrokes in the end. (A standard method for good ol' Teleprinter transfers btw
Alternatively, adding an extra delay of 50 ms or so after the final key release is sent.
We'll try this particular setting by enabling the character pacing feature to see if the problem goes away.
Have anyone seen something like this, either in VM or elsewhere ?
Jakob E
Hardware- and firmware guy @ Yubico