Hi, Yubico management (and of course other readers),
last night I was a live witness of the appearance of the post of 'edjenecai'. For those who missed it: in it 'edjenecai' claims to be a former Yubico employee who has been severely mistreated by Yubico. Now, I have never met this person, and he might just as well be a troll. For what it is worth: even if his claims are (partially) correct, surely the Yubicom forums (and other forums on the Internet) are hardly the place to settle this.
Understandably, his postings were removed. Alas, this story starts to get a life of its own: whoever this person is, he has left his messages in many other (yubikey related) places. The Dutch forum 'security.nl', which many security specialists read, picked up this story too.
Guys, I feel a short statement would be in order so we can put this to rest.