Hi there,
I'm very interested in using Google's existing Two Factor Authentication and Yubikey together. I understand that yubikey provides a solution already but I rather like Google's Already built in solution as it provides useful advantages.
Currently I'm using their iPhone software generator, however since they use the standard HOTP implementation (as well as a TOTP implementation) I don't see why I shouldn't be able to use the YubiKey I just purchased (with OATH-HOTP) support for it.
The part I'm stuck on is the shared secret key. In the Yubikey personalisation tool it insists that they key is 160bits, HOWEVER looking at the standard this is simply the recommended length. My understanding is that Google actually uses 80bits for theirs just juding from the length of their base32 encoded string.
So, are you able to modify the personalisation tool to accept a key that is atleast 80bits in length. This would help me to get it working with the Google Two Factor auth.
P.S. if anybody has already done this please let me know. Note: I'm NOT interested in using YubiKey's SAML service.
Last edited by captaincarrot on Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.