It is a high-prio topic - anyone prepared to take a bite on an AD login one would certainly be a hero.
In an earlier project I was involved with another token where we developed a custom GINA (Windows login screen basically). My experience is that it created a nightmare in terms of support- and compatibility problems, including inability to login in at all.
An alternative that always works is to use our "static OTP" configuration, i.e. having a Yubikey that sends a very long static password of gibberish. Although not as secure as a dynamic code, it is certainly a lift from traditional weak/short passwords.
Consider replacing a pretty-hard-to-guess password like
Just imagine telling that one to someone over the phone. Write it down on paper and type it in, letter by letter...
In order to get more of a two-factor model, the password can be prefixed with the user's ordinary password. Then the Yubikey is pressed and the 32-64 character gibberish string is outputed after it together with an ENTER stroke.
An user with the password "Yubico" would then have the real password Yubicofkjjrrceftukvgtvtekdvllnblrundclbdgteinlgrfvlnblrundkcelujvvuubgcirbhhjeegfenebteheg
Again - not perfect but works for all settings, including local login. Allowing the user to changing the password is not that difficult either...
JakobE Hardware- and firmware guy @ Yubico
Telling the password over the