I have an issue with enable option "use numeric keypad for digits" for OATH-HOTP tokens. I tried on Yubikey STD (3.2), Yubikey Nano, Yubikey Neo and Yubikey 4 with almost same results. After several "updates/write configuration" it enables on Yubikey STD and Yubikey Nano and works. But no for Yubikey Neo and Yubikey 4. I tried without success also configuration via ykpersonalize. Only results from my experiment is problem when yubikeys aren't detected and GUI program reports that are "locked". After unplug and "discharge" I can keys configure again.
Could you, please, hint how I should realy enable it or verify that is set?
My experimentations:
[ivir@lupy ~]$ ykpersonalize -2 -a43f3e39c197f235db59010d993af48ba5cec8f20 -ooath-hotp -ooath-id=ccccbdefghij -ouse-numeric-keypad -oappend-cr
Firmware version 3.2.0 Touch level 1295 Program sequence 2
Configuration data to be written to key configuration 2:
OATH id: cccc12345678
uid: n/a
key: h:43f3e39c197f235db59010d993af48ba5cec8f20
acc_code: h:000000000000
ticket_flags: APPEND_CR|OATH_HOTP
config_flags: OATH_FIXED_MODHEX2
Commit? (y/n) [n]: y
[ivir@lupy ~]$
Ouput: cccc+ěščřžýáčěříéý
Output with shift: CCCC12345678497541
via GUI:
LOGGING START,05.05.16 19:07
OATH-HOTP,05.05.16 19:07,1,ccccbdefghij,,43f3e39c197f235db59010d993af48ba5cec8f20,,,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0,0
And after CLI command If I try at GUI update settings I get error: "YubiKey could not be configured. Perhaps protected with configuration protection access code?"
[ivir@lupy ~]$ ykinfo -a
serial: 3000883
serial_hex: 2dca33
serial_modhex: dtrlee
version: 3.2.0
touch_level: 1295
programming_sequence: 4
slot1_status: 1
slot2_status: 1
vendor_id: 1050
product_id: 111
[ivir@lupy ~]$ ykinfo -c
Yubikey core error: timeout
[ivir@lupy ~]$
Thank you