I made a small java project that uses the Usb4java library to communicate with the Yubikey. Only the the Hmac-Sha1 challenge-response is supported so far. The code is available here:
https://github.com/Toporin/yubikey4javaApparently, it is not possible to communicate with the Yubikey via the Windows Hid driver and Hidapi library because Windows blocks access to mouse and keyboard (user page 0x06) with this driver. Is it correct?
The workaround is to use the usb4java/libusb library and install a libusb-win32/WinUSB driver for the Yubikey, for example using Zadig (to replace the default Hidusb default driver on interface 1).
This works fine using a Yubikey with firmware version 3.4.0 (VID:1050 & PID:114), However communication fails with a Yubikey Neo (VID:1050 & PID:111) with firmware 3.2.0. Communication also fails using the python-yubico library (which also uses libusb), but it works with the yubico-personalization tool written in C. Any idea why?