You have configured the synchronization after migration of the old instances (i.e. YRVA 3.5.3) which can not be configured with YRVA 3.6.1. If you want to synchronize YRVA 3.6.1 then all the instances of YRVA should be of YRVA 3.6.1
FYI, we do not recommend customers to use only two servers for synchronization because if one server is down all data will be centralized to the remaining server and if that server also fails then there will be data loss. If you still interested in using 2 servers for synchronization, please set the sync level to 0. We recommend you to have four servers and set the sync level to 25% to have each request sync with at least one other server. (And for three servers set the sync level to 33%).
You can set the default sync level required in the validation server(s) but the clients can also tell the servers how much sync they require per request.
For more information about the sync level, please refer the link:
http://code.google.com/p/yubikey-val-server-php/Here are the step by step instructions to set the sync level in YubiRADIUS:
1) SSH to the YubiRADIUS
2) Navigate to the location '/etc/ykval'
3) Open the ykval-config.php file
# vim ykval-config.php
4) Set the $baseParams['__YKVAL_SYNC_DEFAULT_LEVEL__'] value as per your requirement
5) Save the file
6) Restart the ykval sync service
/etc/init.d/ykval-queue restart
If you have further questions, please feel free to write to “support@yubico.com”.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,