I like my yubikey very much and I use it often but I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on so many more potential uses.
I'd like to see a yubikey offered that had a slot for each of the possible configurations. I'd like to see a very user friendly tool created to allow me to configure each of the four possible configurations and if you think of more possible configurations there should be a slot added for those as well. Generally, a one-to-one slot to possible configuration.
Also, it should be impossible for me to permanently or irrevocably screw up my yubikey configuration. I think a lot of people, like me, tend to stay away from the personalization tool as it exists today for fear of destroying a perfectly working out-of-the-box configuration.
Whenever I need to authenticate I almost always first think to myself "How can I use my yubikey here?", the answer shouldn't require a Google search but should be immediately apparent.
One more thing, I love the lastpass integration, this alone makes yubikey worth the money. Keep up the good work.