Dear Yubico team,
I have recently acquired my first Yubikey and I am still getting to grips with it. I would consider my personal computer literacy to be significantly above average.
Despite this, I am finding the Yubikey to be a frustrating product to figure out. I have had quite a few frustrating experiences with it, pretty much all of which boil down to very poor documentation.
My experience of the documentation provided on the website itself is that it's difficult to find, scattered around multiple pages, and from the way the documentation is written it seems clear that the person who wrote it has very well grounded knowledge of the product.
That last comment is not a compliment, as documentation should be written from the perspective of someone who
doesn't know how to use it, not from the perspective of a person who
does know how to use it.
To elaborate on this, I'll give a couple of examples.
First, when I received my Yubikey, I decided to install the software for it. From the website front page I discover SUPPORT->DOWNLOADS.
At the Downloads page I am presented with a plethora of software to download:
Yubico Authenticator
Yubico Neo Manager
Yubico Personalisation Tool (preferred)
Yubico Personalization Tool (command line interface)
Yubikey PIV Manager
Yubikey PIV Tool
Yubikey for SF
Well, which one should I install to get started? The programs are presented but none of them are explained. I bought the Neo so naturally I'd think I need the Yubico Neo Manager, but actually I later discovered that I needed the Yubico Personalisation tool. To get that, I need to download the source and install a bunch of dependencies etc. Which OK, I did it, but I can imagine a complete beginner being confronted with this and thinking... what the heck?
A second example: I tried to create a PGP key and copy it to my Yubikey, following the instructions here: Pre-requisites say: The version of the YubiKey’s OpenPGP module must be 1.0.5 or later.
Well, what does that mean? It isn't explained. Is it some software I'm supposed to download? Who knows.
I move on and complete the rest of the instructions in the documentation. Right at the very end, when trying to copy the key to the card, I get an error:
gpg: writing new key
gpg: error writing key to card: not supported
Then, much later on, I discover a separate page elsewhere on the Yubico site which explains that the OpenPGP applet is disabled on the Yubikey neo! You have to enable it, but you can't do it with the GUI personalisation tool you have to use the command line tool. Why?
So I start looking into that and I find some more information, again elsewhere, which claims that using the command line tool will overwrite a bunch of things on the Yubikey.
So that particular problem is not resolved for me yet as I don't really know what's supposed to go on here.
Anyway, even though my comments on this might sound very negative, I mean them constructively. I think that documentation is very poor. And, even though the Yubikey is probably not targetted at general computer users (if it is, they don't have a hope in my opinion!), I still think there is a lot of room for improvement here.
I checked the videos on the website: very poor. They are very short basic videos showing what you can do with the Yubikey, but not really *how* to do it.
It would be great if there was one place on the website that people can go to and find all the information they need when getting started with plenty of examples of how to set the Yubikey up to complete various authentication tasks.