What is the status of being able to use a Yubikey + cloud auth protocol for authentication with Kerberos?
I don't mind having to run a patched KDC and/or a patched kinit. I'd rather not have patched libkrb5 on the servers being logged into, but I don't think it would be needed anyway (i.e. a Kerberos ticket is just a Kerberos ticket, regardless of how you obtained it)
I found
http://wiki.yubico.com/wiki/index.php/Y ... r_Kerberoswhich suggests that the draft for OTP authentication "is not implemented at this time and will require client modifications"
However I also found something which suggests it's possible using an otp preauth plugin for Kerberos:
http://www.kerberos.org/events/2011conf ... rdberg.pdfhttps://www.nordu.net/~linus/INSTALL-krb5-fast-otp.htmlThis tells you to use ykpersonalize to wipe your yubikey. I would prefer to use the cloud auth service, as it makes the token useful across a wider range of services.
There's also
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/Yubikeysbut it seems to imply that you ssh into a machine, use Yubikey+pam to authenticate, and somehow get your kerberos ticket out of sshd. I can't see how it works, and in any case I'd prefer to kinit with yubikey and then ssh using my kerberos ticket.
So I'd be grateful for an overview of what's possible today, and any info on how to do it.