Generally no. You can switch which slot is emitted (as posted above), but not switch them "on the fly".
Overkill answer... If you are custom-programming something (i.e., an Android project or a Raspberry Pi project), and you know the NFC token will be a Neo (not just a dumb tag), it is possible to interrogate the Neo and request the other slot's content. Some example code can be found in the "YubiChallenge" helper app for Android. (It connects the Challenge-Response mode to KeePass2Android). That particular app allows you to choose "Slot 1" or "Slot 2". So, I have standard OTP in slot 1, Challenge-Response in slot 2. I can use both slots via NFC on my Android. YubiClip for OTP just passively asks and gets slot 1. YubiChallenge for KeePass requests slot 2.