We'd like very much to harden our YubiRADIUS server and at the very least, turn off all the services that are not required.
Using Webadmin:
"System" - "Boot and Shutdown"
Can support tell us EXACTY what services are required for YubiRADIUS to function?
Then, I can go through and switch to
"Start at boot time" - "No" for the rest of the services.
There seems to be a large number of services that are not required which are running, e.g.
* bluetooth
* cpufrequtil
* cups
* fancontrol
* kerneloops
* loadcpufreq
* nfs-common
* nfs-kernel-server
* rsync
* samba
* slapd (if your not going to use the built-in LDAP server)
* smartmontools