I can't seem to program the slot that I have YubiTOTP loaded in as the default NDEF slot. I've tried using static text, swapping slots, etc.
This would help in bypassing the manual method of activating the YubiTOTP for Android app (or widget, which defaults to the user-selected slot) to query the YK Neo. (Problem with the widget is that you have to touch it, then READ the OTP and type it in. YutiTOTP app lets you copy to the clipboard only if you run it as a full-screen app.
Now you have a handy dandy YubiCLIP app which will just copy the NDEF OTP to the clipboard on detection. But it only seems to work with the default NDEF slot. => I can't program the TOTP slot for NDEF in the Personalization tool, so an automatic "copy to clipboard" action on touching the YK Neo to the NFC reader isn't possible with my own org's OTP. [1]
Seems that if you could combine the YubiCLIP and YubiTOTP functionality, declaring which slot to query, then touching the Neo to the NFC reader would let someone quickly auth. (Given: Android has a bug that if you paste the clipboard to a field with text, it inserts a space. You have to paste the OTP in FIRST, then tap to the beginning of the field to type in your PIN. Minor annoyance.)
Unfortunately, this stops me from using my Neo as a regular OTP tool at work. I'd like to also program the non-NDEF slot for our HOTP token, but need it to get into these forums.
Any suggestions or help as to my steps to enable this are faulty.
[1] Before anyone argues that this would make authentication automatic for an unauthorized user, know that in my TOTP implementation, a PIN is required. Most applications require user/passwd/otp for two-step auth. The default Neo key appears to unlock LastPass without any other auth, so let's not beat down the use case with paranoia.