I am following the instructions here:
https://developers.yubico.com/PGP/Importing_keys.htmlWhen I get to:
enter "y"
enter "1"
I get a reply that I need to enter my secret key in a pop up which I do, and then my Yubikey PIN appears in a pop up to which it responds after entry:
gpg: error writing key to card: bad secret key
I'm taking this to mean my PGP key and not anything with the Yubikey is the problem. Kleopatra has no issue with my PGP key so, I'm confused at this point. When I look at my Yubikey for certificates and such I still only see the original 4 I have always had.
Is my Yubikey miss-configured or incompletely configured? Or, do I have some issue with seeing the USB port at the command line? GPG has the correct key loaded so, I'm confused at this point with where to go from here.