Sincere apologies for not fully comprehending your original question ... Take 2
Your question raised a very good point in that even with the AES key you also need to know your UID which if you don't have some tool to decode one of your Yubikey OTP's becomes somewhat difficult. Thus I pushed out an update last night (1.0.1) which adds a simpler method for adding pre-existing Yubikey's to the database.
In order to add your Yubikey as of 1.0.1, you can now get away with just a generated OTP and the corresponding AESKEY. This would be invoked as:
ykpasswd -k secret -o OTP
Where the OTP is that generated by the Yubikey. You can also add the Yubikey, provided you have sufficient privileges, for an alterative user (eg. joe.smith) by adding the "-u" flag as follows:
ykpasswd -u joe.smith -k secret -o OTP
Let me know how you go
@ Simon
I too believe that these projects would be great merged under the same umbrella. I'm am keen to hear (read) thoughts on a way ahead to merge these two projects into an uber Yubikey PAM module.