Please see following steps to migrate YRVA 3.0 to YRVA 3.6.1:
The migration scrips are available from Version 3.1.
We have the latest version of YubiRADIUS v3.6.1 with more features.
You can use latest version of YubiRADIUS version 3.6.1, download the latest VM from ... ubiradius/ To start working with YubiRADIUS 3.6.1 with 3.0 data, you have to follow the steps given below:
1. If you have configured the local validation server please import the YubiKey's AES key secret to YRVA3.6.1 instance (.csv file created by personalization tool)
2. You have to take a database dump of "ykmap" table from YRVA3.0 and import to the YRVA3.6.1 database "ykmap" table
3. Create the domain in YRAV3.6.1 instance and configure the "user import" to your "AD/LDAP" to import the users.
4. Create the radius client configuration in YRVA3.6.1 as per YRVA 3.0 setup.
5. Make "Auto Provisioning" enable in "Global Configuration" as well as Domain "Configuration"
6. Make "Validation Server" settings as "Local Validation Server" or "YubiCloud Validation Server" accordingly in YRVA3.6.1
Also, please refer the YubiRADIUS configuration guide available at ... 5_3_v1.pdf