To analyze this issue can you please send us the following logs details? Also, please mention which YubiRADIUS version you are using?
1. Please configure the log files with the following settings from the webmin console: 1. Login to webmin 2. Go to "System" >> "System Logs" 3. Click on log file (ykropval.log ,etc. mentioned below) 4. Select "all" option in "priorities" field of "Message types to log" section 5. Please click on "save" button to save the changes. 6. Please repeat step 3, 4 and 5 for other log files mentioned below. 7. Please click on "Apply Changes" button on System Logs page 8. Go to "Servers" >> "YubiRADIUS Virtual Appliance" 9. Navigate 'Global Configuration' >> 'FreeRADIUS' menu, please enable FreeRADIUS Logging 10. Could you please ssh to the YRVA instance and restart the rsyslog process by executing the following command: /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart 11. Please try to add the user and test the user with YubiKey credentials.
Please send us the following log files: /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages /var/log/ykval.log /var/log/ykropval.log /var/log/ykmap.log /var/log/freeradius/radius.log /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.4-main.log /var/log/apache2/error.log /var/log/apache2/access.log /var/log/debug
2. If you have already configure the webmin logs, please send "webmin.debug" file available at /var/webmin/webmin.debug
If not please configure the log file with the following settings from the webmin console: 1. Login to webmin 2. Go to "Webmin" >> "Webmin Configuration" 3. Please Click on "Debugging Log File" 4. Please Click on "yes" option of "Debug log enabled?" 5. Please click on "save" button to save the changes. 6. Please once again Import Users.
Please find the "webmin.debug" file at /var/webmin/webmin.debug
3. Please brief on any other observations and please send the screen shots, error messages observed.
Thanks and best regards, Samir.