Yubico Forum

Gmail pretends to let you use Yubikey... why...
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Author:  Shadoninja [ Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gmail pretends to let you use Yubikey... why...

SporkWitch wrote:
It really doesn't, unless you play a 6-degrees-of-separation game with synonyms. "Completely mitigates" is a nonsensical statement; mitigation, by definition, is incomplete. If it were complete, it wouldn't have been mitigated, it would have been fixed or some other term that implies finality and completeness.

Per Oxford:
1) Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful
1.1) Lessen the gravity of (an offence or mistake)

No other definitions are recognized. Most others (dictionaries) match or are nearly identical to the above. I cannot even find anything that gets close to your redefinition as "weakens".

Are you actually arguing about this? I don't think anyone would read my original post and get confused. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish here besides maintaining a big head. Having an account accessible through a Yubikey AND a phone is less secure than having an account accessible through a Yubikey alone. You can spew off all the auth technologies and ways things fail and whatnot, but you can't argue against the security differences between one key to a safe and two keys to a safe.

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