I have tried the demo
http://demo.yubico.com/start/u2f/neo . Once installed the extension and entered an username and pass, next, the extensions ask me to allow sharing the Key. Ok... But the key doesn't blink and although I touch it nothing happens.
In Chrome, account security, second factor, register key, almost the same: Button register, insert key touch button, nothing happens.
The key is new, Yubikey Personalization Tool 3.1.17 says it is a Fido ready, 3.3.0 with slot 1 configured. I have not touched the factory configuration.
Tested in two computers, in the first one on three USB (2x2.0, 1x3.0) and one with two usb (2.0 and 3.0) with the same result.
What can I do to use UDF? Thanks