ChrisHalos wrote:
The behavior changes depending on what application is open at the time on your phone. If Yubico Authenticator is open, tapping the NEO will use Yubico Authenticator. By default, tapping the NEO when you are outside of Yubico Authenticator should open a browser window and authenticate your Yubico OTP (because the default NDEF settings are to send Slot 1, not Slot 2, which is blank by default). You can change the NDEF settings to slot 2 by using the Personalization Tool (Tools > NDEF Programming). You can also install the YubiClip app, available on the Google Play Store. This will capture the incoming NDEF string to the clipboard and allow you to paste it into any text field on your phone.
Alright but long story short, I can only make the the NFC emmit 1 of the 2 configurations.
So there isn't any way I can emmit both without altering the NDEF Programming each time.
If this is the case then I guess my question is solved. (even though I'm a bit disappointed