Yubico Forum

Static password for 1password? Safe?
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Author:  wanted66 [ Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Static password for 1password? Safe?

Hi guys,

I'm very new to Yubikey.

Purchased one recently. I have configured it to work with my gmail, dropbox etc. All working great.

I use 1password for storing all my passwords and the master password is about 22 characters. OK its a pain to type this every single time. So I thought why not use Yubikey NEO for this?

I made a static password and configured it to slot2 so whenever 1password asks for masterpassword I just insert yubikey and long press for the password to fill it.

This works great but still I'm worried that the password is just there if anyone does a long press. I don't feel it very safe this way.

Can anyone recommend a workaround? Ideally I would want the long press password fill to work with 1password master password window only?

Any help?


Author:  brendanhoar [ Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Static password for 1password? Safe?

How about having a short password prefix that is easy to type, then the rest of the password is the static password in slot 2?

e.g. bg5t<longpress>

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