Yubico Forum

[QUESTION] - Will Yubico eventually validate key ownership?
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Author:  bannon [ Sun Oct 30, 2016 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  [QUESTION] - Will Yubico eventually validate key ownership?

Years ago I was involved in certifying security certificate ownership through Thawte Consulting. That system eventually died off, and Thawte dumped all their validated notaries. I would love to see Yubico develop a similar system that would help authenticate ownership of a Yubi key. That is, an extensive network of validated notaries that validate the owner of a key is who they say they are. Your Yubi key would then be used to verify identity.

Thawte Consulting had a good system that depended on an extensive network of notaries, and I see no reason why Yubico would not want to do this too. Just think, one physical device with a passcode to help support the validation of one's identity.

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