Yubico Forum

Yubikey 4 not recognize in personalization tool and neoman
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Author:  Gilles [ Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Yubikey 4 not recognize in personalization tool and neoman


I have a new Yubikey 4 and I want to discovered it but I can't detect the key :/

I first tried with the personalization tool on a Ubuntu but it didn't recognize my key. I saw on the forum that I have to enable OTP first with neo-manager.
After installing neoman, I started it with sudo and my key was recognized ! :)
I clicked on the only button available ( It was something like "active OTP / CCID / U2F" ) and there were 3 checkboxes (OTP, CCID, U2F).
In my first try, I checked all three and validate, unplug / plug my key, nothing happened.
In second try, I only checked OTP and validate, unplug / plug ... and my key started making a green light in the (y) :)

Now, I still have the green light, but neoman don't recognize my key. I tried the personalization tool, but it detect nothing :/

Have I failed something ?

Thanks to help a newbie X)

More infos :
Neoman version 1.4.0.
when i start neoman, there are two warnings :
$ sudo neoman
Undefined symbol: yk_get_key_vid_pid
Undefined symbol: yk_get_capabilities

Author:  ChrisHalos [ Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Yubikey 4 not recognize in personalization tool and neom

If you haven't already, make sure to add the Yubico PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yubico/stable

Then update with apt-get update. Launch the YubiKey Personalization Tool to make sure you have the newest version of the library. The newest YubiKey 4 requires at least 1.17.3, currently (https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-p ... ility.html).

You'll also want to take care of the udev rules for U2F and patch the Info.plist file for smart card functionality. Run the following command and restart:

sudo sh -c 'wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yubico/yubikey-neo-manager/master/resources/linux-fix-ccid-udev | python'

Then try again.

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