Yubico Forum

[QUESTION] How to use as non-root user ( on mac os x )
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Author:  MarkE [ Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  [QUESTION] How to use as non-root user ( on mac os x )


I want to use my Neo with GPG on Mac OS X 10.8.4 but noticed I can only access its open GPG card functionality as root.
Following are the return values when executed a root vs. regular user:

// As root
# ykinfo -v
version: 3.1.2
# gpg2 --card-status 
gives full list of the cards details

//Not root but still admin user
$ ykinfo -v
USB error: kIOReturnSuccess

//As a regular non-root/non-admin user:
$ ykinfo -v
USB error: unknown error
$ gpg2 --card-status 
gpg: selecting openpgp failed: Card not present
gpg: OpenPGP card not available: Card not present

Can anyone help on how this could be resolved so a regular user can access the openGPG card applet and yinfo ?
( for linux I read setting proper udev rules helps, but udev does not exist for Mac OS X and I couldn't find an Mac alternative )


Author:  btrotter [ Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [QUESTION] How to use as non-root user ( on mac os x )

I was trying to figure out why the app i installed from the appstore couldn't read my yubikey- I got "unknown error occurred". I finally figured out thanks to your post that it needed to be run as sudo. I hope yubi can some up with a solution that doesn't require sudo as having an installed app isn't very helpful if you have to drop to the commandline and "sudo /Applications/YubiKey\ Personalization\ Tool.app/Contents/MacOS/YubiKey\ Personalization\ Tool". It's "less" inconvenient for the CLI tools, but still a hassle.

Author:  yubiman [ Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [QUESTION] How to use as non-root user ( on mac os x )

I have the same issue. I can access the usb only as root and there is no udev in macos.

Also I cant use the pam because it has no rights:

debug: pam_yubico.c:761 (parse_cfg): called.
debug: pam_yubico.c:762 (parse_cfg): flags 0 argc 2
debug: pam_yubico.c:764 (parse_cfg): argv[0]=mode=challenge-response
debug: pam_yubico.c:764 (parse_cfg): argv[1]=debug
debug: pam_yubico.c:765 (parse_cfg): id=-1
debug: pam_yubico.c:766 (parse_cfg): key=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:767 (parse_cfg): debug=1
debug: pam_yubico.c:768 (parse_cfg): alwaysok=0
debug: pam_yubico.c:769 (parse_cfg): verbose_otp=0
debug: pam_yubico.c:770 (parse_cfg): try_first_pass=0
debug: pam_yubico.c:771 (parse_cfg): use_first_pass=0
debug: pam_yubico.c:772 (parse_cfg): authfile=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:773 (parse_cfg): ldapserver=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:774 (parse_cfg): ldap_uri=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:775 (parse_cfg): ldapdn=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:776 (parse_cfg): user_attr=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:777 (parse_cfg): yubi_attr=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:778 (parse_cfg): yubi_attr_prefix=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:779 (parse_cfg): url=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:780 (parse_cfg): capath=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:781 (parse_cfg): token_id_length=12
debug: pam_yubico.c:782 (parse_cfg): mode=chresp
debug: pam_yubico.c:783 (parse_cfg): chalresp_path=(null)
debug: pam_yubico.c:823 (pam_sm_authenticate): get user returned: *******removed*******
debug: pam_yubico.c:490 (do_challenge_response): Failed initializing YubiKey
debug: pam_yubico.c:677 (do_challenge_response): USB error: kIOReturnSuccess
debug: pam_yubico.c:689 (do_challenge_response): Challenge response failed: No such file or directory
passwd: authentication error

Any ideas? (Mavericks 10.9)

Author:  mig5 [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [QUESTION] How to use as non-root user ( on mac os x )

This is occurring for me too, I am trying to just configure Yubico in Challenge Response mode for the Screensaver per these guides:

http://blog.avisi.nl/2014/05/06/two-fac ... y-example/
http://opensource.yubico.com/yubico-pam ... ponse.html

Miguels-MacBook-Pro:~ miguel$ ykpamcfg -2
USB error: kIOReturnSuccess
Miguels-MacBook-Pro:~ miguel$ echo $?
Miguels-MacBook-Pro:~ miguel$ ykinfo -v
USB error: kIOReturnSuccess

Only works with sudo or as root, and means my screensaver test doesn't work since it's not being run as sudo.. also Mavericks 10.9.4. Any ideas?

Author:  CypherCookie [ Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [QUESTION] How to use as non-root user ( on mac os x )

I'm seeing the kIOReturnSuccess error even after secure keyboard option has been disabled. I've not been able to pin down where this issue is coming from at all.

So far i have rolled the Yubikey 2 factor auth to over 200 people and have only had 1 issue with it to date.

We are using 10.10.5 and I have not seen anyone else have this issue.

I have removed and re-install the pam_yubico module from brew and still have had no luck with resolving this problem.

Any advice is welcome.

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