Yubico Forum

yubico-pam dependency question
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Author:  rpimonitrbtch [ Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  yubico-pam dependency question

I just noticed something while trying to apply some long overdue updates. A few versions ago, (2.6) the pam library began to have a dependency on libyubikey (./configure fails without it). Can anyone explain why this is? The README mentions libykclient depends on it, but that isn't true, as libyubikey (per it's description) decrypts and parses a OTP, but libykclient hands that task off to a validation server.

Does it have something to do with the challenge response functionality? If so, since I'm trying to compile --without-cr, is it possible to update the configure to drop the dependency in that case? I forced the issue a bit on my end just so i could get it compiled, and everything is still working fine in OTP mode, with no instance of libyubikey installed on the box.

Author:  Fredrik-at-Yubico [ Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: yubico-pam dependency question

Thanks, you are right. The libyubikey is currently only required for challenge-response.

I updated the README and configure.ac so it doesn't fail on libyubikey when --without-cr. This will be released with version 2.12 whenever that is released.


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