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PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2016 5:01 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:25 pm
Posts: 4
Project name: Media MicroCloud

License: https://nuvolect.com/mediamicrocloud_terms

Description: Media MicroCloud combines CamCipher, the IOCipher file system, the Nanohttpd web server and the popular elFinder and PhotoSlide web apps. You can record, save and manage encrypted photos, videos, and files of any type, edit notes, etc. The product is in Beta, i.e., we are still implementing features, testing and fixing bugs. YubiKey Neo authentication unlocks the Android app and embedded Web app.

Platforms: Android SDK 21+, Phones, and Tablets

Problem 1: We use the YubiKey two ways in the app. To gain entry to the app on Android, YubiKey Neo sometimes requires several cycles to authenticate. Sometimes it cycles forever. Hold the Neo to the back of the phone. The Nexus 5X produces an audible tone 2 or 3 times while it is trying to connect via NFC. The second method is using a static password to gain entry to the web app, this works fine.

Problem 2: This is not a YubiKey problem but perhaps this security savvy group will have some guidance. The dreaded "Your connection is not private" browser warning. We use a self-signed security certificate. There is no domain name or static IP address to for a browser to validate the security certificate, The IP is dynamically assigned to Android by your WiFi access point. Android is the web server.

* Marketing - https://nuvolect.com/mediamircocloud
* Roadmap - https://nuvolect.com/blog/posts/mm-roadmap/
* Issues & Suggestions: https://github.com/TeamNuvolect/MediaMicroCloud/issues
* Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... microcloud

You can try it yourself, search Google Play for "Media MicroCloud".
Comments and suggestions appreciated.


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