Yubico Forum

re-use public OTP id on new Yubikey
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Author:  justpaul [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  re-use public OTP id on new Yubikey

I've lost my old Yubikey and want to configure my new Yubikey to have my old Yubikey's OTP id. By default, Yubikey's servers have overwrite protection, can I get the ID deleted out so I can re-register it?


Author:  julemand101 [ Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: re-use public OTP id on new Yubikey

Unfortunately, no.

Besides you OTP id you are also missing the encryption key in the device which is shared with Yubico. Because this key is impossible to extract (without destroying you device or use advance ninja hacking skills) from the device (and is securely stored at Yubico) you cannot make a clone of a Yubikey (which is the whole point of the device).

If it was possible to reassign a new Yubikey (with a new encryption key) to an existing Yubikey id it would be a serious security issue because a "not so nice person" could contact Yubico, change the Yubikey for the Yubico id to his own Yubikey and get past the 2-factor authentication.

To have a backup yubikey it is possible on must services to assign multiple yubikey devices so you still can login if one of you devices disappear.

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