I am trying to use my YubiKey's PIV applet to hold an SSL key for openVPN.
I have successfully imported the certificate+key onto my YubiKey and have configured openvpn client on CentOS to use pkcs11 to load in the cert/key. This seems to be working great
As I want to deploy this to a remote server, is it possible for the PIV applet NOT to prompt for the pin when accessing a cert/key, or is it possible somehow hardcode the pin into the PIV applet/OS?
I wish to protect against the ssl-key being cloned or extracted (rather than used), essentially tying the vpn connection to a specific dongle (yubikey).
I have no wish to protect against it being used (as the pin currently does), just to protect against the key being copied/extracted (which if I understand correctly is impossible anyway).
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Edited to add [question] to the subject.