Yubico Forum

[GUIDELINE] - How to write an HOW TO. Read Before Posting!
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Author:  Tom [ Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  [GUIDELINE] - How to write an HOW TO. Read Before Posting!

This thread contains the guidelines for writing an HOW TO topic.
Those rules are here to enforce a common way of writing HOW-TO and to allow everyone in the community to benefit from it.

Notify your thread to a moderator so that he can review it and make it sticky.

Thread Title
    - The thread title must befin with [HOW TO] - *your title* (the title must be clear and narrowed down to the exact topic)
    - Do not write the thread title in FULL CAPITALS

    - Requirement tag: Indicate the requirements such as the operating system and/or Yubico product you are using; i.e. Requirements: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 and Yubikey firmware version 2.3.1
    - Description tag: The first part of the topic must contain a brief description of the HOW TO. Describe what you are going to illustrate; Description: I am going to demostrate how to logon in windows 7 with a standard Yubikey

    - Write your tutorial in details. You have to explain everything carefully because not all users are experts like you. You need to be a good teacher; The users gratitude towards your work will be your reward ;)

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