So. I'm fairly technically-capable. I've spent the last few hours trying to install all the software, and configure it as necessary, to install the applet on my NEO … but no luck.
I've successfully installed GPShell and all its dependancies, but when I try to install the applet, I get the following:
> > gpshell ./gpinstall.local.txt
Could not connect to reader number 0
As far as I can tell, the Yubikey isn't being registered “as a smartcard.” Not sure how to make it register as a smart-card, instead of as a keyboard.
(Side-note: I've used
ykpersonalize -m82 to set my card to act as both an HID and CCID device; but I'm not sure if that's relevant. Didn't seem to help.)
Once I've got this all working, I may be arsed to submit a tutorial on how to get everything installed on OS X … it's kind of a cluster<beep>.