I'm using Chrome Version 40.0.2194.2 dev (64-bit).
Trying to add the Neo to my Google account as a Security Key. That page where you register the Neo simply isn't detecting the Neo itself at all -
https://security.google.com/settings/se ... itykey/add. No errors at all .. nothing. Click the Register button, plug in the Neo and press the Yubi button and Chrome just sits there. It detects nothing.
I even tried disabling all my extensions in Chrome, restarted the browser, tried again. Some condition.
I can see my MBP is detecting the Yubikey NEO. About My Mac shows the key when its plugged into a USB port as "Yubikey NEO OTP" under "USB Hi-Speed Bus" -> Hub -> "Yubikey NEO OTP"
Confused and wanting my Neo attached to my Google Account !!!