wade192 wrote:
This would be cool especially if it worked seemlessly with the Windows Login with YubiKey (Beta) product.
I found a separate piece of software at
http://www.5group.com/wordpress/tag/yubikey/ It is called autolock it enables a similar functionality unfortunately it has to be configured each time at start-up.
Licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2 a free tool is available
for download here.
http://www.5group.com/downloads/yubico/ybAutoLock-1.0.exeIf you still want to lock your PC when the YubiKey is removed, download Rohos Logon Key
http://www.rohos.com/products/rohos-logon-key/You can configure it to do lots of things when the key is removed, like sleep, hibernate, shut down,
lockI hope this helps, if you need any help with it, like configuring it or anything like that, then make a new topic and mention it here. I'll help as much as possible.
I tried to attach the setup file but its 0.80 Mb too large, sorry.